FASHION: “Every Spoil is a Style”

I know I’ve been quite inactive on the blog lately but that’s only because I’ve been lacking motivation to write. Please, I had four papers to write in five weeks. Nevertheless, ya girl came through. This month’s feature is on fashion. I recently sat down with a young, budding entrepreneur who has a very interesting ‘eye for beauty’.

Caelle is a first year Marketing student who hopes to someday own a clothing and makeup line. She has also been my roomie for five weeks! Upon living with her I’ve learned three things: she has an extremely dry, raunchy sense of humor, she procrastinates too much and she dresses hella good. Like dangggg girl! Our interview took place in the comfort of her home and this is a summary of her answers to my questions.

How would you describe your style?

“Um, I don’t really have a set style. It’s more like taking risks. In one word I would say it’s unconventional. I like to try everything, you know mix and match. Most times I put together things that people wouldn’t usually pair.”

When asked about influences for her style Caelle was quick to mention singer and songwriter Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Yosssss hunty! She also noted her admiration for the styles of several hip/hop artists including Drake, Bryson Tiller and Desiigner. This influence came as a result of her love for street style and men’s wear. Ultimately, Caelle is a huge devotee to the Korean/K pop fashion which ranges anywhere from soft and girly to edgy and dark. The conversation diverted into a matter of the influences her culture has made on her dressing. She believes that it had in no major way aided in fostering her style. Caelle is of Haitian descent (another one) and notes that the only influencing factor may be that apart from others, she is comfortable wearing clothing that is revealing. Talk about risky…

At what age did you find your sense of style?

“I actually started experimenting with clothes in my junior year of high school. So, I would say that is when I found it because I would just throw on stuff and go to school.”

When you dress what do you hope to portray to others?

“A really carefree person that’s happy but mostly confident. I think that’s very important.”

Her opinion on fashion nowadays was that she believes people are expressing themselves more which is a good thing. “Before most people wore high-end brands and wanted to be classy but now more people are easily expressing themselves through style. Although wearing what you want is now a trend, I think it’s better than following a dead perspective somebody set years ago.”

Okay okay, enough about clothing, Caelle’s preferred makeup look for any outfit would be, “BB cream/light foundation, mascara, brown shimmery eye shadow and dark brows. Not forgetting highlights, I like looking greasy.”

Finally, I asked her a question that has been debated for decades.

What is the difference between style and fashion?

“Anyone can buy fashion. Someone who has style knows what fashion is. It all depends on how you wear it. I’ve never been a fashion critic because I believe you should wear whatever you want.”

Her advice to those finding their style is, “Try everything, your style will evolve”.

Interviewee: Caelle 

Feature: Fashion

Style: Unconventional

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Remember to look for this baddie in a few years!

Or you could follow her instagram now: @_caelle